
Sunday 9 June 2013

The Chase

Jerry had never been the same since the accident. If he wasn't keeping busy he was thinking about it. So he kept himself by working, which meant he had to travel a lot. He had to travel a lot for his work and made his way to New York City quite often. He was just leaving the airport consuming his thoughts with work when a young guy walked up by Jerry and bumped into him and began to run. Confused, Jerry started to check his belongings and realised his phone was missing. He saw the young teenager running and weaving through the crowds. Without even thinking about it Jerry started to chase the kid. The teenager stole a cheap older flip-phone from Jerry. A type of phone that Jerry could easily replace, it wasn't essential to his work, but Jerry had other motives for chasing his phone. He was running after the kid with every fibre in his being to retrieve this cheap phone. The young boy that was being chased was quite confused. The reason that he would target business men such as Jerry was because he would usually get very expensive phones, which he didn't in this case, and because they normally give up after a while because they know they can replace it, but Jerry was not giving up. The kid was peeling in out of alley ways, hopping garbage cans, dodging taxi's, and every time he would look behind him Jerry would be right there gaining more and more distance. The kid was started to wonder that there might be expensive information on this phone. Jerry's heart had only been pumping this fast one other time. The accident. He started to think what it would be like if he lost this phone and started to run faster and faster. Jerry went back to that day when he lost everything. He thought about how it was before and how it is was now in that moment and was close to tears. He thought about how he already lost everything, he couldn't lose this phone, it was all he had left. As he came back to the present moment he realised he was in reaching distance of the teenager. He stretched his arm out and grabbed his jacket, just as he finally caught him the  teenager fell into the doorway of a building. Jerry and the teenager fell on the ground, the boy quickly tossed the phone to another guy waiting their for him and tried to make a run for it, but Jerry immediately caught him. He threw him on the ground. He threw his hands around the kids neck and ordered for him to give the phone up. Both of the young guys were in shock. They were terrified at Jerry's determination to retrieve this ordinary phone. He immediately gave up the phone. Jerry scrambled to see if it was still there. He opened up the phone and clicked on the small camera icon. He started to scroll through his pictures. The other guys were frozen in confusion. They just stood there waiting to see what Jerry was gonna do. He was looking through all of his pictures and started to panic when it didn't appear right away. And then he finally came to it, he clicked on the picture and it took up the whole screen. A flash of relief came across Jerry as he stood there gazing at the only picture he had of his late wife and three week old daughter together. He always thought he would have his whole life to capture those memories of his lost daughter. They were both taken from him three weeks after the birth of of his daughter in a horrible accident. This picture of his two beautiful girls was all he had left of them. He looked up and saw the fear in those boys eyes, he smiled at them and threw them all of the money he had in his wallet and walked away with his priceless phone in hand.