
Sunday, 17 March 2013

A Comforter, A Best Friend, A stranger, A Saviour...

I sit in the dark day after day gathering dust with the hopes of being revealed to the light... maybe even a desperate face now and then. The drawer is slowly opened, a hand reaches inside and it rests on top of me for a little while, the man closes his eyes with his hand just resting there, then he takes his hand off and closes the drawer. The hopes of being opened after so long is ripped away.

A man and woman come into the room, the same man and woman as always. They go along with their weekly routine, only this time was different because the man left, but the woman stayed behind. She was quite young, very beautiful, long wavy brunette hair, gorgeous blue eyes. Then out of no where she suddenly started to cry. She placed her hands over her face and continued to cry, it must have been twenty minutes that she sat there with tears streaming down her face. She pulled out a piece of paper from her pocket, she searched for a pen and finally opened the drawer, I suddenly became spotlighted by the glare of the sun coming from the window. She reached into the drawer with the intention of grabbing a pen, but pulled her hand out with me in her small but tight grip, her small hand with those fake purple fingernails were desperately grasping my exterior. She sat me on her lap and just stared as the tears began to stop. After sitting there for a few minutes, all within a split second she yanked me up to her chest and tightly wrapped her arms around me and the tears started to pour, it felt like she was holding on for her life. She gently tossed me on the bed, walked over to the night table and grabbed the money that the man left, counted it, placed it in her purse and walked out.

The usual maid walked into the room, she was about to begin her cleaning when she saw that I was left on the bed. She walked over to the bed and leaned across gently lifting me off of the bed, she held me in the air and wiped the dust off of me. This woman treated me like a precious jewel, as if I was a rare and fragile masterpiece, she walked me over to the drawer, opened it up and very gently, with as much care as one person can give something, placed me back in my corner and locked me back into the isolated darkness.

This room hadn't been used in a very long time when one late and rainy night a middle-aged man walked inside. He looked depressed, lonely, angry, sad, lost...broken. He had two large bags with him, he slowly walked around the room a little bit, he stopped at the end of the bed and leaned over gathering something from his bag standing up with a large bottle of whiskey. He opened up the bottle and swallowed as much as he could before coughing, he continued this until the bottle was nearly empty, his body went limp and fell onto the bed dropping the bottle on the floor. Hours later he awoke and slowly sat up, he quickly brought his hand to his temple realising any movement shook his pounding migraine. He saw the nearly empty bottle laying on the ground, he stared it down as if he was going to attack it, or perhaps the other way around.  In one swift motion he quickly picked the bottle up and hurled it at the wall with as much force as his body could handle. The bottle hit the wall and shattered into a million pieces splattering the last little bit of whiskey on the white sheets. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and opened it up pulling a picture out of it letting the wallet fall to the ground as if it no longer had meaning, he sat on the bed and stared at the picture of his lost family. His beautiful wife wearing that purple dress that he loves so much, she had one of their adorable daughters in each arm, smiling at their cheating daddy taking the picture. Similar to the woman he suddenly began to cry, but not like a usual cry, this man was sobbing because he finally realised he had lost the three gems God had placed in his life. Still crying he stood up and ripped his suit jacket off, took his tie off and threw them on the ground still holding the picture with the same grip the woman had on me. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, he looked back at his life and was disgusted with himself. He opened his eyes and looked around the room, he began to take his anger out on everything in his sight. Everything in this room he began to destroy, the television, the lamp, the mirror, the walls, the bed, the night table. He ripped the lamp that was sitting on the night table and chucked it across the room, then he lifted the night table beside the bed and followed it behind the lamp. He ran over to what was left of it and began stomping on it, he pulled the drawer out and tossed it across the room. I was revealed to the light flying across the room and tumbled on the floor. He walked over to me, standing right over top of me he fell to his knees. He picked me up, he opened my cover and began to read the first page, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"...