
Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Man With Slicked Hair...

Bobby woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a gunshot. He ran over to the window to see a man standing over the body of a woman with a gun in his right hand.The man looked towards Bobby's house and they made eye contact. Bobby quickly ducked down below his window hoping the man would go away. A young teenager who was friends with Bobby came running into his house through the back door. He told Bobby that he saw the whole thing from start to finish and that the man saw him. The young boy started to cry in fear. The boy had been involved with a gang and did some time at a juvenile detention centre, but he didn't deserve to die, Bobby knew this. He pulled the boy close and told him to go through the back door, to take his car and drive home as fast as he could and wait for his call. He knew that if the boy went to the police alone they wouldn't believe a gang member. As the boy left, Bobby ran over to his phone. He quickly called 911 and told them what he saw. Suddenly he heard a light knock on the front door. Bobby knew who it was. He could tell just looking at this man that he wouldn't leave the scene knowing there are loose-ends. Bobby waited a little while praying the man would go away. Another light knock at the door. Bobby was surprised at this man's patience thinking the door would be kicked down by now. A couple tears rolled down Bobby's face, still kneeling on the ground he dropped his head into his hands, he prayed a prayer unlike anything he has ever prayed. He raised his head from his hands. The quick, but powerful prayer gave him a sense of peace. He accepted whatever his fate was. Bobby slowly walked over to the door and opened it. At the door was standing an averaged size man, he was clearly very fit, probably in his early to mid thirty's, his hair was slicked back, he was wearing old sunglasses even though it was night and a leather jacket, in his mouth was an unlit cigarette. He gave Bobby a smile. He politely asked Bobby if he could come in. Bobby hesitated and then let the man in his house. The man walked into the house and pulled out a gold lighter and lit his cigarette. Bobby was about to tell him to put it out, but thought twice before talking and decided not to. The man told Bobby what was going to happen, his directions were very clear.
"I know what you saw and I know what the boy saw who came in here and then conveniently drove away I'm guessing with your car, don't try and deny it because I know the truth and I don't like being lied to. So here is what's going to happen. The police are going to be here in a few minutes because I am assuming you have already called them. So you are going to come with me and we are going to go for a drive."
Bobby followed the man to the back door where he was then led to the man's car. It was a 1970 black camero. Despite the situation Bobby still mentally recognised the beauty of this classic. They drove for about ten minutes until the man parked underneath an old bridge. Bobby was terrified looking around the surrounding landscape hoping someone was watching and would call for help, but there wasn't a soul in sight.   They sat there in silence for a few minutes, the man then pulled his gun out of his jacket pocket and very slowly and gently placed it on the dash board. Then in his other jacket pocket he pulled out a picture frame with a picture of Bobby's family in it. He then very politely laid Bobby's options in front of him.
"Here's the thing; I know you aren't going to tell the police what you saw otherwise you will never see these lovely people again, the boy on the other hand, well he is a loose-end. Nobody likes loose-ends. So here are your options: you can tell me where I can find the boy and you and your family can be free to go or you can not tell me where the boy is and I shoot you. Choose wisely."
Tears started to roll down Bobby's face again. He closed his eyes, he's never prayed so hard in his life.
"God what do I do in this situation? Do I just tell him where he is and then I can go peacefully? But he might still kill me anyways. Or do I not tell him and risk my life, but save the boy's?
The tears very quickly stopped.
"Alright, where is the boy?"
With complete peace and contentment, Bobby just shook his head. He knew what was coming and he accepted that. In one swift motion the man took the gun off the dashboard and shot Bobby in the head.
Bobby sat up in his bed sweating profusely.
"Holy crap, it was a dream!"