
Tuesday, 24 January 2017


God created man. He created Rich Man and Poor Man.
       Rich Man lived in a beautiful castle that reached the height of the clouds; it was filled with only the finest foods and the food was plenty. He slept in a warm bed and never went cold. All of his desires were met.
       Poor Man lived in the slums. He went hungry. Spent the nights in the cold. He desired little and received little.
       Rich Man saw himself as superior than Poor Man and in turn never interacted with him and refused to shelter or feed him even though it was very much within his capability. Because they were never together they were constantly alone. In loneliness they found despair. There was a way out of their dark places, but they did not know how nor had the knowledge that such was possible.
       God created Wisdom. Wisdom looked like them, sounded like them, but did not act like them. Wisdom was righteous and justified, Wisdom knew right from wrong, good from evil. Wisdom was humble and had honor, was not foolish, listened to her creator and followed his law. She was faithful and honest, she did not boast, but first and foremost she sought ONLY to spread the knowledge of the Love of God.
       Wisdom went to Rich Man with sole desire to share the knowledge of her creator. She knocked on the door and Rich Man answered; as soon as the door opened she immediately began to share, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not..." and the door was slammed on her face.
      Wisdom then went to Poor Man where he was sleeping on the streets. She knelt beside him and said "The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the belly of the wicked suffers want" (Prov. 13:25). Poor Man lifted his head for only a moment and lay back down. Wisdom pleaded that all of his desires would be filled through the knowledge she could share, but he wouldn't have it.
      Wisdom never quit. She went to the centre of the village and began to cry out: "To you, O men, I call, and my call is to the children of man. O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense. Hear, for I will speak noble things and from my lips will come what is right" (Prov. 8:4-6). She went on and on without ceasing, constantly crying out through the town. Hours went by until she finally saw Poor Man walking up the street towards her. With joyous arms she greeted him and he received the greeting not denying it. He sat and she shared until the very life and meaning of Wisdom was ingrained within Poor Man. Poor Man never became rich, yet all of his desires were met until his only desire was to know God more.
       Time went by while Rich Man only grew lonelier. He had everything in the world yet was oddly unhappy. For weeks the only thing he could think of was the few words he heard from Wisdom, "Trust in the Lord". Time went on to the point where his only desire was to hear the words Wisdom intended to share in its fullness.
       Rich Man left his castle and followed the cries of Wisdom as she continued to share throughout the village. He came upon Poor Man sitting in front of her as she shared. Wisdom stopped as she saw him approaching, he made his way to Poor Man and sat down beside him. Wisdom smiled and began to speak, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6)

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