
Tuesday 6 November 2012

About Today...

I want to start off by saying that I love this movie. I rented it thinking it was going to be a good action movie seeing as it's about UFC fighting and was a great action movie with lots of amazing fight scenes and guys getting the crap kicked out of them, but it was so much more than that. As you can see by this video that this wasn't your typical fighting/action movie where the underdog comes in and wins everything and gets the girl... that is exactly what happens but with a completely different and deeper message. These two men fighting are brothers who have been distant for many years and not spoken, with bitterness and anger they go into the championship match of this Ultimate Fighting tournament. The dominant fighter continues to apologize to his brother for abandoning him many years ago, but the only thing that brings this troubled fighter to peace is hearing his brother say, "I love you Tommy", and the brother taps. The tap is like the brother saying I forgive you. So you can watch this movie and come out of it thinking that it is a great fighting movie with some intense scenes and thats great because it is true. Or you can be like me, knowing this was a great action movie but recognizing it has a greater message than any fight scene can give; the message of love and forgiveness between two brothers.


  1. I too got goosebumps this is what life is about...

  2. Forgiveness is a powerful thing and this clip shows love and forgiveness I want to see this movie now!!
